I want to thank you very much for the management of the Convention. Everything really went great! The people were very happy and excited! Mails came from all over the country, pointing how good the meeting was, the organization and the theme. Your messages came with clarity and strength! Security and control of all subjects and details was executed with an impeccable serenity!
Personal balance: Very positive and lots of learning.
Germán and Miguél have managed to build a very professional company in Mundomeeting, as well as human. Their permanent attention to detail, their warmth and creativity makes each meeting unique, enjoyable and recommendable. The permanent presence in each event or meeting convention, ensure maximum quality by making everything flow with complete naturalness, being Mundomeeting the agency that we prefer.
I would like to share with you the people´s comments regarding the event: FASCINATED is the word, there are still talking about this, Barragan, the rafts … The team cataloged this as the best convention of all time. Even though we´ve been to Tulum, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and this year, Punta Cana. People lived it from the heart, which was one of the great goals of all of us. We meet our goal 100%. And we surprised once again!